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Scheduler Module 🕒


The Scheduler Module handles job scheduling and execution in the Dynamic Notification System. It is responsible for initializing the cron-based scheduler, managing scheduled jobs, and interacting with the database for job persistence.

scheduler.go 🛠️


Manages the lifecycle of the scheduler, including initialization and shutdown.

Key Functions 🔑


  • Purpose: Sets up the scheduler and loads jobs from the database.
  • Steps:
  • Establishes a connection to the database using the configuration settings.
  • Initializes a cron scheduler.
  • Loads jobs from the database and adds them to the scheduler.
  • Starts the scheduler.
  • Example:
    func Initialize(dbConfig DatabaseConfig) error {
        db, err := sql.Open("postgres", getDSN(dbConfig))
        if err != nil {
            return err
        cron := cron.New()
        err = loadJobs(db, cron)
        if err != nil {
            return err
        return nil


  • Purpose: Gracefully stops the scheduler and closes the database connection.
  • Steps:
  • Stops the cron scheduler to prevent further job execution.
  • Closes the database connection.
  • Example:
    func Shutdown() {
        if db != nil {

job.go 📝


Handles job-related functionalities such as loading, adding, and managing jobs.

Key Functions 🔑


  • Purpose: Generates and returns a JSON schema for the ScheduledJob struct, aiding in API documentation or validation.
  • Example:
    func GetJobSchema() string {
        reflector := jsonschema.Reflector{}
        schema, _ := reflector.Reflect(&ScheduledJob{})
        return schema.String()


  • Purpose: Loads jobs from the database and schedules them in the cron instance.
  • Steps:
  • Queries the scheduled_jobs table for active jobs.
  • Adds each job to the scheduler.
  • Example:
    func loadJobs(db *sql.DB, cron *cron.Cron) error {
        rows, err := db.Query("SELECT * FROM scheduled_jobs")
        if err != nil {
            return err
        defer rows.Close()
        for rows.Next() {
            job := ScheduledJob{}
            addCronJob(cron, job)
        return nil


  • Purpose: Adds a job to the cron scheduler based on its cron expression.
  • Example:
    func addCronJob(cron *cron.Cron, job ScheduledJob) {
        cron.AddFunc(job.ScheduleExpression, func() {


  • Purpose: HTTP handler for creating a new scheduled job via a POST request.
  • Example:
    func HandlePostJob(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
        var job ScheduledJob
        // Insert job into the database and schedule it
        addCronJob(cron, job)


  • Purpose: HTTP handler for retrieving all scheduled jobs via a GET request.
  • Example:
    func HandleGetJobs(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
        jobs := getJobsFromDB()

db.go 🗄️


Handles database interactions for job scheduling.

Key Functions 🔑


  • Purpose: Queries the scheduled_jobs table and returns all scheduled jobs.
  • Steps:
  • Executes a SQL query to fetch jobs.
  • Scans the result set into ScheduledJob structs.
  • Returns the jobs for further processing.
  • Example:
    func loadJobsFromDB(db *sql.DB) ([]ScheduledJob, error) {
        rows, err := db.Query("SELECT * FROM scheduled_jobs")
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err
        defer rows.Close()
        var jobs []ScheduledJob
        for rows.Next() {
            var job ScheduledJob
            jobs = append(jobs, job)
        return jobs, nil

Example Workflow 🔄

  1. Initialization:
  2. The scheduler connects to the database and loads jobs into the cron instance.
  3. The cron scheduler starts executing jobs based on their defined schedule.

  4. Adding Jobs:

  5. A new job is added via the POST /jobs endpoint.
  6. The job is inserted into the database and added to the scheduler.

  7. Execution:

  8. The cron scheduler triggers the job's execution at the defined time.
  9. Notifications are sent via the appropriate channel.

  10. Shutdown:

  11. The scheduler stops gracefully, ensuring no running jobs are interrupted.
  12. Database connections are closed.

This documentation provides a detailed explanation of the Scheduler Module, enabling you to understand and extend its functionality effectively. Happy scheduling! 🎉