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main.go 🛠️


The main.go file serves as the entry point of the Dynamic Notification System application. It orchestrates the initialization of configurations, plugins, the scheduler, and the HTTP server.

Key Functions 🔑

1. Configuration Loading

  • Purpose: Loads the application's configuration settings from the config.yaml file.
  • Implementation:
  • Function: config.LoadConfig
  • Steps:
    1. Reads the config.yaml file from the root directory.
    2. Validates and parses the configuration into a structured Config object.
  • Example:
    config, err := config.LoadConfig("config.yaml")
    if err != nil {
        log.Fatalf("Failed to load configuration: %v", err)

2. Plugin Loading

  • Purpose: Dynamically loads plugins that define notification channels.
  • Implementation:
  • Function: plugins.LoadPlugins
  • Steps:
    1. Scans the plugins/ directory for .so files.
    2. Loads and initializes each plugin dynamically.
  • Example:
    err := plugins.LoadPlugins("plugins/")
    if err != nil {
        log.Fatalf("Failed to load plugins: %v", err)

3. Scheduler Initialization

  • Purpose: Sets up the job scheduler, responsible for executing tasks based on cron expressions.
  • Implementation:
  • Function: scheduler.Initialize
  • Steps:
    1. Establishes a database connection.
    2. Loads jobs from the database into the scheduler.
    3. Starts the cron scheduler.
  • Example:
    err := scheduler.Initialize(config.Database)
    if err != nil {
        log.Fatalf("Failed to initialize scheduler: %v", err)

4. HTTP Server Setup

  • Purpose: Starts the HTTP server to handle API requests for managing notifications and jobs.
  • Implementation:
  • Library: Gorilla Mux
  • Steps:
    1. Creates a new router.
    2. Defines routes for job management endpoints (/jobs).
    3. Starts the server on the configured port (default: 8080).
  • Example:
    r := mux.NewRouter()
    r.HandleFunc("/jobs", HandlePostJob).Methods("POST")
    r.HandleFunc("/jobs", HandleGetJobs).Methods("GET")
    log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(":8080", r))

Example Flow 🔄

  1. Application Start:
  2. Reads config.yaml.
  3. Loads plugins from the plugins/ directory.
  4. Initializes the scheduler and loads jobs.
  5. Starts the HTTP server.

  6. Incoming API Requests:

  7. Routes are handled via the Gorilla Mux router.
  8. Jobs are added, retrieved, or managed based on the API calls.

Error Handling ⚠️

  • Logs detailed error messages and exits gracefully if critical components fail to initialize.
  • Example:
    if err := scheduler.Initialize(config.Database); err != nil {
        log.Fatalf("Scheduler initialization failed: %v", err)

This documentation provides a high-level overview and examples for understanding and extending the functionality of the main.go file. Happy coding! 🚀